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Anthony Harold The Closed Tunnel


Be prepared for the upcoming sci-fi sensation!

Ink & Cinema Official selection “Best first ten pages” 2023, USA.

What if we told you that 3,000 feet underground there's a network of high-tech cities connected by ancient tunnels? Yes, right now.

The main character of The Closed Tunnel, Tony from New York accepts a job from the strange head of a pharmaceutical company. It takes him first to the National Geophysical Research Lab on Long Island and then—unexpectedly!—underground. He finds himself in Luxor Ville, the city of the elite, and explores Hearton City with genius scientists presumed dead or missing on the Surface.


Meanwhile, in the ancient tunnels, the world's greatest physicists are conducting an unbelievable experiment that should redefine our understanding of the laws of the universe. They think they have it all figured out. But it's impossible to anticipate everything...


The Closed Tunnel weaves suspense, thrills, wow twists, an unpredictable ending, and a dash of spice into a tapestry of real facts, technology, and shadows of the supernatural.

Imagine having a golden ticket to the underworld of 2022. Are you ready? Then buckle up!

To be available soon

Anthony Harold The Closed Tunnel
Anthony Harold The Closed Tunnel

Meet the characters


Lirtal Blackwood

Shift Commander of Cornigers


Inez Checkbar

Head of Control Department

in Hearton City


Ellis Sartor

Senior technician at the Basic division


Rose Hampton

Photojournalist from the newspaper TCT

Dive into the book setting


Luxor Ville

Underground city of the American wealthiest families


Hearton city

Underground city of scientists and support staff



Underground laboratory of genius physicists



Underground medical clinic of technology ahead of its times

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Anthony Harold

and the editor Elena Nazarova

Hello everyone!


We are Anthony Harold and Elena Nazarova, writer and developmental editor of the upcoming sci-fi sensation The Closed Tunnel. We are over the moon to finally meet you and give you a ticket to a new subterranean world that will not appear sometime in the future, but exists right now, under our (and your!) feet.

Meet the first book in The Closed Tunnel series.  Let's take this dive under the cities and countries together!


Anthony Harold

Anthony is the author of the highly anticipated sci-fi sensation The Closed Tunnel,  the first book in an extraordinary underground series.

His concept aims to illustrate that wonders can be found not only in the stars, but also beneath our feet.


"Miracles and incredible stories can emerge even under a thick layer of earth."

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Elena Nazarova

Elena is the editorial and marketing director with a background in art and finance.


She is a multi-faceted creative person.


Being an MBA, Elena's also a professional marketer, digital artist, developmental editor, former TV and radio journalist.

"You can afford anything except giving up on your dreams."

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Let's Connect

Connect with the author (any questions, requests for ARCs and cover quotes, offers of collaboration, and all media inquiries):

If you have any ideas or stories about the underground world, feel free to email them to Anthony Harold:

Connect with Anthony on social media pages:

  • Instagram
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